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End User Support Guide


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End User Community Tutorials For You & Your Clients

Before you launch your community, it's a good idea to get familiar with typical support questions your users might ask. 

Below, you'll find a comprehensive support guide at your disposal. For easy access, we suggest incorporating this guide into a static page within your community platform, enabling users to easily locate the answers they need.

Help & Support Guide

Editing Your Profile

Make sure to add your photos and update your About Me section with all relevant information.

How to edit your profile:
  • Click on your account icon in the upper right hand corner
  • Click on Profile: View your profile
  • Add a profile photo and cover photo by clicking the corresponding buttons to upload
    • Profile Photo Dimensions: 500 x 500 pixels (Square)
    • Cover Photo Dimensions: 1600 x 500 pixels (Wide)
  • Click on the About Me tab
  • From here, you can edit your profile details by clicking on Edit Info
  • Once you are done making edits, hit Safe Info

Uploading Your Intro Video

Your intro video will show up in the intro videos section of the social feed, and it will also show up on your profile so other members can get to know you.

How to upload your intro video: 
  • Click on your account icon in the upper right hand corner
  • Click on Profile: View your profile
  • Click on the About Me tab
  • Scroll to the Intro Video section, towards the bottom of the page
  • Click on Edit Video
  • Click on Upload Video
  • Upload the file from your device as a .mov or .mp4 file, no longer than 2 minutes
  • Click on Save Video
  • Depending on the size of your video, give it a little bit of time to finish uploading and processing
    • You may need to refresh to see the video on your profile
  • Once it’s uploaded, you’ll be able to see it both on your profile and in the Intro Videos section of the Social Feed

Editing Your Location

The location on your profile is what will show up in the maps feature. 

How to edit your location:
  • Click on your account icon in the upper right hand corner
  • Click on Profile: View your profile
  • Click on the About Me tab
  • Scroll down to the “Location” section
  • Click the pencil icon to edit
  • Start typing in your location and select it from the list that appears
  • Hit Save Info

Updating Your Username

How to edit your username:
  • Click on your account icon in the upper right hand corner
  • Click on Profile: View your profile
  • Click on the About Me tab
  • Next to Profile Info, hit the Edit Info button
  • In the Username box, enter in your desired username
  • Hit Save Info
  • If your username has already been taken by someone else in the community, you may have to pick something that has not yet been taken

Changing Your Password

On the login page, click on the Forgot Password link on the login page, then enter in your email address, wait for the email to be sent, and follow the link with further instructions to reset your password.

If your login issues persist, please contact our customer support team.

Following Other Members

In the Connections tab of your profile, you can see all users that are following you and all users that you are following. 

You will need to follow members if you would like to receive their notifications. 

You can choose to follow any members that appear in your followers tab. 

You can also find members to follow from their posts, or by utilizing the Search function. 

How to follow someone:
  • Navigate to a user’s profile
  • Hit the Follow button
  • If you would like to see more from that user, you can also hit the three dots that appear by their name and Subscribe


If you are not receiving notifications for our community, that could be based on your device settings. Make sure that notifications are enabled on the device or browser that you are using for your community. 

How to view your notifications: 
  • Click on the App Launcher (9 Dots Icon)
  • Click on Notifications
How to manage your notification settings:
  • Click on the App Launcher (9 Dots Icon)
  • Click on Settings
  • You can turn on or off your notification settings

Joining Groups

You must join groups in order to view their content. Some groups may be gated to specific subscription levels or may be closed. 

How to join a group:
  • Click on the Groups tab in the menu bar
  • Navigate to the group you would like to join
  • Click on Join
  • If you are unable to join, you may need to update your subscription
  • Contact our support team for more details

Generating Referral Codes

You can generate referral codes to invite your friends and get credit for them. 

How to generate a referral code:
  • Click on the App Launcher (9 Dots Icon)
  • Click on Referral Codes
  • Click on Create New Code
  • Click to copy the code

Tracking Your Referrals

You can track how many people you have successfully referred to join the community.

How to track your referrals:
  • Click on the App Launcher (9 Dots Icon)
  • Click on Referrals
  • From there, you will be able to view all members you have referred to the community

Managing Your Subscription

You can manage, update, or cancel your subscription at any time. 

How to manage your subscription:
  • Click on the App Launcher (9 Dots Icon)
  • Click on My Plan
  • From here you can update your subscription by clicking on the plan you would like to update to
  • Enter in your card info and Submit
  • You can also view all past invoices in the Invoices tab

Updating Your Payment Method

You can update your payment method at any time. 

How to update your payment method:
  • Click on the App Launcher (9 Dots Icon)
  • Click on My Plan, then head to the My Cards tab
  • From here you can add a new payment method by clicking on the New Card button
  • Enter in your credit card information and hit Save Card